Well that was fast: Rockstar
Turn 1: Airborne initiative: 5/1
A light snow starts to fall as SSG Rockstar advances his
squad, limiting visibility somewhat (24”) and speed (3/4). Rockstar doesn’t
want to cross the open field, so he elects to split his squad in two: a fire
team and a maneuver team.
Rockstar sends Cpl
Bechtold (M1) with the MMG team and a pair of riflemen down the left-hand side of
the road, giving him strict orders to stay in the concealment of the woods as
much as possible. Meanwhile SSG Rockstar takes Sgt Baker, Cpl Lyon (both SMG)
and the remaining four riflemen with him to scout the woods on the right.
Fuhrer Begleit Brigade (FBB)
The Germans have 3 PEFs: PEF #1 by the bridge,, PEF#2 on the
wooded hill and PEF#3 in the woods on the right.
PEF#1 Cpl Bechtold confirms that there is nothing there
PEF#2: Cpl Bechtold sees movement and identifies a FBB recon
squad: Lt Meyer (Mp40), Sgt Steiner (PPSh), Cpl Kruger (Mp40), Kern (MP40),
Anshelm (MP40) and a MG42 team.
Fortunately, Bechtold had kept to the tree line (kept him from losing the
IST), so was able to get off the first shots. After the initial exchange, Lt
Meyer is killed and Soldat Anshelm is wounded, Soldat Kern and the MG gunner
are both forced to drop back. Steiner, Kruger and Hollerbach (ammo bearer for
MG42) hold their ground.
PEF #3 remains unseen for now.
Turn 2: FBB initiative 4 – 1
Steiner and his men open fire on Cpl Bechtold and his group.
Steiner’s fire wounds Pvt Gunderson (MG gunner); Cpl Kruger drives Bechtold
back and an accurate shot from Hollerbach drives back Private Givens.
Then disaster struck.
SSG Rockstar identifies PEF#3 as a building surrounded by an
entire platoon of Panzer Grenadiers! (A very bad time to roll box cars)
Rockstar’s platoon gets the drop and opens fire. Rockstar
and his men drop Lt Otto (pistol) and Soldat Kroner (Gw43), wound Sgt Borchert
(St44) and Soldat Mutz (MG42 Ammo bearer) and Kranz (Pzfaust), two others are
driven back.
In the face of such overwhelming odds, SSG Rockstar decides to fight another day. He has suffered his first defeat.
Lt Meyer's Recon squad emerges from the woods
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