The Adventures of SSG Rockstar = Jan 1945


 It’s been a while since I have played a game, as I have been busy painting and waiting for some figs to arrive. I decided to take a short break from my Winter War campaign (the figs I am waiting for contain my “Star”) and try a campaign from the Battle of the Bulge (BoB) – if nothing else, it means I can keep my Winter themed game mat out.

 I have an interest in the second half of the Battle of the Bulge (my father’s outfit- 17th Airborne - joined the fight in early January). Unfortunately, it isn’t easy to find information about that stage of the battle. All of the books I have read, pretty much summarize everything that happened after the relief of Bastogne, even though there was much fighting left to do. About all I know is they they squared off against the Fuhrer Begliet Brigade (FBB) in a vicious fight in a snow storm.

So here we have it. The first scenario: Elements of the 17th Airborne v. the FBB. The terrain is straight from the main rule book generator. Every book I have read on BoB describes the 17th as “Green.” That is not 100% accurate. One of the regiments (507th PIR) fought with the 82nd in Normandy. It’s the other PIR and glider troops that were “Green.” To represent this, I have decided to make my three available squads as one veteran paratrooper, one green paratrooper and one green glider. The Germans will be drawn from the Panzer Grenadier list, with possible support of a StuG and a Panzer IV.

My Hero figure, is SSG Rockstar of 1/507/17Ab. I have decided to make him the platoon guide for a couple of reasons. One it is appropriate for his rank and secondly it allows him to be a “Rover” and be wherever I need him to be. The attached photos are of the set-up. SSG Rockstar and his squad are entering the matt along the road at the bottom edge.

The white stars indicate the placement of the intial PEF (possible enemy forces)

SSG Rockstar leads his squad forward


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