Battle at Portinhoikka Crossroads - June 25, 1944.

  Many years ago (1982 more or less), I was able to visit the Pannsarimuseo (Tank Museum) outside of  Hameenlinna, Finland. Below are my notes from the visit, including the map I copied by sketch. I no longer remember if I translated the narrative below, or if it was in English as well as Finnish. The punctuation is a bit strange, which makes me think I translated it myself.

In any case, for my money, this was the most remarkable tank encounter I have ever read about.

Tank Battle at Portinhoikka

June 25, 1944, 1515-1630 hours


    On June 25th, 1944; an especially strong Russian artillery barrage commenced on the north-east side of Viipuri Station; and a strong Russian armored wedge plunged over the gap in the line and assaulted the Finnish rear guard, situated on the road from Juustilaa to Viipuri near the Ihantala crossroads, and pushing on to Juustilaa. The Finnish divisional commander threw his armored reserve into the opening created by the Russians. Major H Mikkolan was in the lead tank of a Finnish column of five heavy tanks (2xT34C & 3 x T28), his duty being the destruction of the enemy. As the columns encountered each other, the Finns quickly gained the upper hand, mostly because of their superior marksmanship and the speed at which they engaged the enemy; as they charged in, in spite of the fact that the Russian columns were considerably stronger. At this stage of the battle, the enemy lost six T34/85 and one JSU 152, which was taken by the use of smoke, as the Finnish guns were unable to pierce its thick armor. (The crew abandoned the tank – its morale and will to fight being lost by the smoke, the destruction of their comrades and the flight of the rest of the column).Three Russian tanks (of the six T34) were captured, and being only slightly damaged, they were abe to take part in the following phase. No Finnish tanks were knocked out. Fifteen Russian tanks (13 T34/85 and two JSU 152) fled the field.


  1. Always like reading interesting ww2 battles. Thanks for sharing what you collected all those years ago.

    1. Someone on TMP gives the Soviet point of view:


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