SSG Rockstar's toughest test yet



 After a couple of small patrol type activities, it’s time for a big battle.

  During the first half of January 1945, as part of the Battle of the Bulge, the men of the 17th Airborne faced off against the Fuhrer Begleit Brigade (FBB) in a series of little publicized actions near the town of Flamierge, Belgium (10 miles east of Bastogne). The lightly armed paratroopers had a tough time against the tanks and panzer grenadiers, especially at a place they called, “Dead Man’s Ridge.” The division suffered about 3000 casualties during the three-day battle. With some battalions suffering 40% casualties.

  The 17th consisted of two airborne regiments (507th and the 513th) and two glider regiments (193rd and 194th). The 507th was a veteran unit as it was attached to the 82nd Airborne Division for the Normandy campaign. The other three regiments had not experienced combat yet. To reflect that (In this scenario at least) my platoon of three squads will consist of one veteran paratrooper, one regular paratrooper and one with regular infantry stats (representing the gliders).

  Veteran status will be represented in two ways. First, each grunt in the veteran squad will have an attribute, as described in the campaign booklet, “Blood upon the Risers.” Secondly, when it comes to assigning Reps to the grunts, for the veterans I will round up and for the others I will round down. For example, for the airborne there is a 1 in 6 chance they get a Rep6. So for a nine man squad, the veterans would get two Rep6 grunts and the regulars would get one.

Our “Star” is Staff Sergeant (SSG) Rockstar, the platoon guide. I decided to make him a platoon guide rather than a squad leader so that I could move him around, and lead different squads, if I wanted to. SSG Rockstar is armed with a specially modified carbine (It can fire full auto; my father had such a weapon in Normandy) that fires like a SMG as far as teh game is concerned.

Campaign Review:

  The first scenario was a “Patrol mission” straight from the books. As luck would have it, SSG Rockstar and the 507th squad immediately ran into a far superior force and had to withdraw. One soldier was wounded, but will return later.

 The second scenario was a “Raid” from “Chocolate and Cigarettes.” In this scenario SSG Rockstar lead a rescue mission with the glider squad to find a lost captain. One soldier was wounded, but will return.

Scenario Details:

Forces: 17th Airborne v. Fuhrer Begleit Brigade (FBB)

Date: January 5th, 1945, near Flamerige Belgium

Weather: Deep snow (movement 1/2), Heavy Fog – drops LoS to 8” (Historical)

Scenario: 17th Airborne is defending, FBB is attacking

Campaign Morale:  Germans (5), Americans (3)

Investment Level: Germans (4), Americans (2)

In the map below, the black stars represent the initial location of possible enemy forces (PEF). The red boxes are just the sector numbers.

Note: Although the pics below are in the correect order, I didn't make an effort to put them in the proper place in the narrative.

Set Up:

Lt Joyal placed himself in the center with the squad from the 507th (sector 8).. TSG Young is placed with the 513th on the left flank (sector 7), SSG Rockstar is assigned to the right flank (sector 9) with the glider-riders.

Note: To help keep the different groups of enemy reinforcements straight, I will identify them by the turn they arrive (group T1, T2 etc.). On turns where more than one group arrives, I will use a hyphen (T3-1).

Turn 1: German Initiative;

Unfortunately for the Germans, they cannot move this turn.

As for the airborne, both flanks hold their positions while Lt Joyal moves forward in the center.

Turn 2: German Initiative; German reinforcements: Stransky’s PzGren platoon in sector #3 (T2-1, T2-2 & T2-3)

PEFs 1 & 3 move forward cautiously and are still concealed by the fog.

PEF #2 moves forward enough to be identified as a PzGren squad (T2-4).  The paratroopers get the drop and open up first. The airborne MGs and SMGs are ineffective and they are driven back by return fire. However, accurate fire from the M1s made up for it, killing one and wounding two. The surviving Germans drop back.

Stransky’s platoon (T2-1 through 3) moves up cautiously at half speed

American phase:

The 507th troopers rally and rejoin their squad. Lt Joyal trusts his instincts and sends Sgt Baker and half of his squad over to the right.

The first PEF is identifed as a Panzer Grenadier squad. The German force was so large I ran out of figs, so had to occasionally press0gang some Russians into service.

German forces appearing on the American right

As if things weren't bad enogh, the first German armor appears.

Airborne on the right hold their fire until they see "The WHites of their eyes"

Turn 3:  A new PEF (#4) appears in sector #3. American Initiative

Sgt Baker takes his position on the right. Rockstar has his men ready grenades.

German Phase:

PEF #3 moves slowly forward,

PEF #1 is identified as a Pz IV. With no anti-tank assets, the American fire is ineffective. The tank returns fire with its coax, there are no casualties, but the troopers do drop back deeper into the cover of the woods.

On the German far left. Stransky moves his platoon slowly forward.  The squad on the right (T2-1) makes contact with Sgt Baker’s team. Baker gets the drop on them and scores two kills and two drop backs. However, one intrepid soul gets close enough to throw a potato-masher and forces Baker and his boys to drop prone.

Turn 4: American initiative

In the center, Lt Joyal has his men drop deeper into the woods to break LoS with the Pz IV. Sgt Baker and his men pop up and deliver a devastating volley to the nearby German squad (T2-1). The survivors leave the battlefield.

German phase

PEF #3 continues its slow march forward

The center squad (T2-4) moves slowly forward, but is still obscured by the fog. The deep snow forces the tank to keep to the road, as it moves down the road it spots Sgt Baker. Again, the lack of AT assets hurts the airborne. Tank fire wounds Pvt Jones and forces Baker and Pvt Seid to drop back deeper into the woods for cover.

Turn 5: American initiative (but only Sgt Baker can act)

Baker and Seid recover.

German Phase

PEF #3 is determined to only be rumors

The German squad in the center (T2-4) is hit hard by accurate fire from the troopers. One is killed, one wounded and the survivors are driven back.

Things are starting to heat up on the far right as Stransky’s remaining two squads (T2-2 & 3) advance to contact. Pvt Parmenter throws a well placed grenade, scoring three kills (on T2-2). Lt Meyer and Pvt Kern press on, firing at Rockstar. After the exchange of fire, only Rockstar remains.

On the far right, pretty much all of the glider-riders miss their shots and the return fire by T2-3 drives them out of their foxholes.

The Germans left advances on SSG Rockstar and teh glider-riders

The situation on turn 6

Turn 6: American initiative – hoped for reinforcements do not arrive

Sgt Baker and the glidermen on the right spend the turn recovering.

Lt Joyal sends the the rest of the 507th over to the right to help the hard pressed glidermen. Joyal keeps Cpl Bechtold and the MG crew with him, but sends Sgt Lyon and the rest of his team over to help the glider-riders.

Sgt O’Rourke and Cpl Agarn combine their fire and cut down Meyer and Kern (T2-2).

German Phase

The squad in the center does not move (T2-4). The Pz IV continues down the road towards the glidermen. Stransky gets his survivors (T2-2) going again, but they are stopped by Rockstar’s grenade.

The center group of glidermen is attacked by the squad on the (German) far left (T2-3).  The fire from the glidermen is ineffectual and they are driven back from their foxholes.

Turn 7: American initiative – but neither side activates

Turn 8: German initiative –

In the center, the lone German squad advances (T2-4) and is easily handled by Cpl Bechtold and the MG team. Two Germans are killed, one is wounded and the last survivor leaves the battlefield.

PEF #4 is finally identified – and is second tank.

American phase:

O’Rourke rallies his glidermen. Sgt Baker & Pvt Seid link up with Rockstar

Cpl Lyon and his team are getting closer to help Rockstar – but the deep snow makes it slow going.

Turn 9: German initiative

Stransky gets his platoon moving again, with disastrous results. A well-aimed shot by Pvt Seid drops Stansky. Baker wounds one, but all Rockstar can do is get his man to dive for cover; the German squad (T2-2) drops back, not bothering to pick up the body of the hated Stransky.

All of which attracts the attention of the tanks. Their fire wounds Baker, kills Seid and drives Rockstar back for cover.

On the far right, Lt Bertinck and his  (T2-3) approach the foxholes previously occupied by the glidermen; they are spotted as they cross over. The fire of the glidermen isn’t particularly accurate, but they do just enough to get the Germans to quit the field. Sniper Vanderbilt finally scored his first hit – wounding Lt Bertinck.

American phase:

Rockstar rallies, as do the gliders.  Doc Frey is able to get Pvt Jones back in action.

Turn 10:

The Germans are unable to move

Lyon and his boys move up and mow down the last remnants of Stransky’s platoon. That is the last of the infantry on the field – the tanks are another matter.

A glider bazooka team moves forward and fires a shot at the lead Pz IV – and misses. Return fire drives the team back to cover.

Rockstar stands alone, the tank in the background cannot support due to the thick fog

Where the Iron Crosses grow. An intrepid grenadier approaches to throw a grenade

All the glidermen have fallen back - note SSG Rockstar at lower left "Standing alone by himself"

The platoon runner directs men from the left to help in the center

Cpt Stransky, supported by armor (both tanks should be Pz IV, but I only had one model), rallies his men for a second attack

Turn 11: German initiative; A new German squad of 8 Pz Gren (T-11) appears in sector #2

The first Pz IV fires at glidermen and misses. The second fires and kills a glider riflemen, the other two drop deeper into their foxholes.


Doc Frey reaches Sgt Baker.

The thick fog enables Rockstar to get within grenade range of the leading Pz IV. Rockstar scores a hit with his “Willy Pete” grenade and the vehicle catches on fire. Meanwhile, the fog working in his favor, Cpl Lyon works around behind the second PzIV and disables it with a Gammon Grenade.

Turn 12: German Initiative and more reinforcements – the rest of the PzGren platoon arrives (12-1 & 12-2).

T-11 moves forward and engages Lt Joyal’s small group. The fire from the paratroopers, especially the .30 MG kills one MG42 gunner and wounds the squad leader. The others drop back out of sight into the fog.

American phase:

Doc Frey is able to get Sgt Baker back into the fight.

Rockstar and Baker finish off the crews of the two PzIV that are still burning.

Turn 13:  American initiative

The Americans spend their phase consolidating

For their part, the Germans consolidate T11 & T12-1 & 2 into one large group. They send squad T12-2 around to their right in the hopes of flanking Joyal’s group.

Turn 14: American initiative, but no one from either side can move.

Turn 15: German initiative; a new PEF & more reinforcements – another tank

PEF #5 appears in sector 4; it is quickly identified as another infantry squad (T15) Accurate fire from TSG Young’s group wounds three and drives the rest back.

Rockstar (foreground) and Cpl Lyon (background) assualt the tanks, grateful for the heavy fog that let them get close enough to throw grenades.

Turn 16: German initiative

Tank #3 cannot move as T15 is blocking the road and deep snow prevents them from going off road. T15 rallies.

Cpt Reimer (groups T11 & 12) cannot seem to get his boys moving

American Phase

Rockstar leaves the few remaining glidermen guarding the road and gathers all the paratroopers in his are. The move off at the double in the hopes of getting behind, or at least flanking, Cpt Reimer’s platoon.

Turn 17:  German initiative

Germans cannot move

Rockstar continues his double time march around the right flank; Pvt Shivers, May and Kelly start to fall behind.

Turn 18: American initiative

The Americans finally roll reinforcements! A rather eccentric Sherman drives up the road. (Strictly going by the rules, the Americans should not have been able to get a tank – but I wanted one, so I gave them one).

Rockstar continues his move around the flank

German Phase

Cpt Reimer gets his platoon forward to the attack.  Lt Joyal is ready for them and a vicious fight ensues: MGs. SMGs, rifles and grenades all exchange fire – there are casualties on both sides, but in the end the paratroopers are forced back, breaking up and fleeing in several directions.

Turn 19: American initiative

Americans cannot move. The Germans move forward slowly.

Turn 20: German initiative

Cpt Reimer’s group enters the American positions, and takes three wounded men prisoner. The 3rd PZ IV has now arrived behind the main German force and the TC confers with Cpt Reimer.

Rockstar is behind Reimer’s position, just out of sight of the platoon RTO & medic, and a few men who had fallen back previously.

Turn 21: American initiative

Lt Joyal rallies and organizes his men.

Rockstar and his group fires on the backs of several Germans that had retreated from the fight with Lt Joyal. Reimer is killed, a couple are wounded and the rest flee. Fortunately for Rockstar, the PzIV is just out of sight (due to fog)

German phase

T15 advances on TSG Young’s position again. Young is well prepared and they drive the Germans off rather easily. The survivors flee the battlefield.

Unaware that their Captain has been killed behind them, Reimer’s force advances deeper into the woods and again meets up with Lt Joyal’s force.

The Germans are jubilant from previous successes and finally win an “In Sight Test.” The Americans are getting the worst of it, having suffered some casualties, when Joyal orders a charge (he only has 2 men with him). Fortunately for him, most of the surviving Germans are on the other side of the line, so he prevails. For now, anyway, as the numbers still favor the Germans.

Turn 22:  German initiative and more reinforcements – yet another tank!

Fortunately for the Yanks, this one seems to be lost as it appears in the deep snow of sector #3 with no road in sight.

The surviving Germans in the woods change their facing in reaction to Joyal’s charge, triggering a new “In Sight Test” – this time American’s get “The Drop.” Airborne fire and grenades score a couple of casualties and drive the rest back. The Germans have had enough and quit the field.

The ruckus caused by Rockstar in the previous phase has drawn the attention of PzIV (#3). The TC moves the tank forward and spots Rockstar and company. Rockstar’s group sprays the tank with small arms fire before they duck for cover in the deep snow. The TC fires his coax MG and drives Rockstar’s group back, but doesn’t cause any casualties.

American phase

With the PzIV distracted by SSG Rockstar, the lone Sherman advances through the fog and catches the panzer by surprise. A well-aimed shot by the gunner disables the tank.

Wrap up:

At this point the only German force on the board was the stranded tank in the deep snow of sector three. At this point the game master declared an airborne victory. The airborne suffered seven killed, four wounded and three missing (POWs).


Medal of Valor: Lt Joyal

Tank Destruction Badge: Cpl Lyon and SSG Rockstar

Reimer organizes one last push in the center

Action on the airborne left 

SSG Rockstar organizes his flank attack, gathering all available troopers from the right

Reimer's attack moves into position

Rockstar's flank movement begins to take shape

It would be bad form to arrive before the nick of time!

Reimer confers with the Panzer commander

Rockstar attacks the enemy rear

Reimer's men break through Lt Joyal's position

Lt Joyal leads a desperat charge on Reimer's left flank

While the German tank commander is distracted by Rockstar, Oddball saves the day


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