Battle of Happonen's Farm. a custom WInter War scenario for Nuts! by Two Hour Wargames.

 Description first, photos at the end.

The Battle for Happonen’s farm

Somewhere in Karjala near the Soviet border

December 01, 1939

Scenario design:  This is a home-made scenario in what I hope will be a decent Winter War Campaign. It is designed to represent the first days in the Karelian (Karjala in Finnish) Isthmus with a small group of Finns trying to simply delay a much lager force of Soviets. I ran this thing four times trying to get a result I liked. I had to experiment with different Soviet Reputations and the reinforcement schedule. The final version had the Soviets being reinforced in a similar fashion to the final scenario of “Blood Upon the Risers” as opposed to the normal system.

As for Soviet Reputation, I wanted to use the ratios found in the Eastern Front book assigned randomly. However, this resulted in having too many Rep3 leaders, which gets kind of boring. They rarely win an In Sight Test, route easily and seldom recover, making it far too easy for the Finns. In the end, I used the ratios on a per squad basis and assigned all the Rep3 to common riflemen. That worked out better.


Terrain & set-up. Happonen’s farm is situated in a large open area bordered by heavy woods on both sides. The woods offer both cover and concealment. There is a small river running across the field. This early in the war there is only a small dusting of snow on the ground which does not impede movement. The river is frozen, but not so thick it will support tanks, they can only cross it by using the bridge. Besides the farm, there is also a burnt barn, which provides cover and concealment, but only if prone. It does not otherwise block line of sight. The scenario lasts 12 turns. The Soviet Investment Level is 4 and the Finnish level is 3.

Scenario Rules note: Normally a combined initiative roll of seven might result in reinforcements, however the rules are different in this scenario. The Normal rules apply to the Finnish. As for the Soviets, any time their initiative roll is <=4, they may receive reinforcements. This was done to attempt to emulate the endless human wave tactics they used early in the war,


Forces available.

The Finns have a platoon of three 10-man squads and a heavy machinegun available. They are designed on the 1939 model. One squad has a light machinegun, and the other two have 1 or 2 sub-machineguns, the remainder being riflemen. The SMGs were given to the soldiers with the highest Rep, which was the practice at the time. This meant the leaders had ordinary rifles, which isn’t great in these rules. The started with one SMG squad on the table. They never did get reinforcements.

The Soviets have a reinforced platoon of four rifle squads available. Two of them have  a total of 13 or 14 figs, consisting of one light machinegun and the rest rifles. The other two have a total of nine men with two light machineguns and the rest rifles. (The Soviets started the war with the first type and started to transition to the second type in the middle of the war). They also have a heavy machinegun section (2 HMGs +7 rifles) as well as two tanks: one T26 and one T28.

Background: Finnish forces are falling back to the prepared Mannerheim Line positions, while trying to delay the Soviets as much as possible. The local troops failed to burn the Happonen farm before the Soviets approached and have since fled. Field Marshal Mannerheim has ordered Group Partanen to rectify the situation. Colonel Partanen has ordered his Jaegar Platoon under Lt. Koskela to stop the approaching Soviets. They are expected to consist of rifle platoon and possibly some tanks. Sgt. Kantola and second squad arrive first, just before daylight and take up positions in the tree line near the farm.

Kantola’s squad consists of 9 men (including Kantola). They have one light machine gun, one submachine gun and the rest have rifles and grenades, with a few Molotov Cocktails. They have no other anti-tank weapons. Headquarters has promised to send a BOYS Anti-tank rifle, should any tanks appear.

Kantola has split his squad into two sections. His assistant squad leader, the sub machinegunner, his best marksman and a rifleman are to the left, while he has kept the light machinegun team and two riflemen with him on the right.

The Soviets start with tree PEF (possible enemy force) – one in each section of the tree line on their side of the board. They start the game out of sight and are numbered 1-3 from the Soviet right to left.

Ans so it Begins….

Turn #1:  Initiative 1/1, PEF #4 behind the farmhouse; 6/4 Soviets

No movement by either side. The Soviets cannot move on a DR6 and the Finns are content to remain in place

Turn #2:  Initiative 3/3, PEF #5 in the barn ruins; 6/1 Soviets

As before, the Soviets cannot move on a DR6. PEF #5 (In the ruins) is determined to be nothing but rumors. The Finns take advantage of the lull and plant land mines on the road near the bridge.

Turn #3:  Initiative 6/5 Finns

Again, no movement because of the high rolls. Hopefully things will pick up soon.

Turn #4:  Initiative 5/4 Finns

Finns are content to remain in their defensive positions.

The Soviet PEF finally move into sight and are identified and act follows:

PEF #1 (Soviet right flank) = Soviet squad #3 (2xLMG & 7 rifles)

The Finns win In Sight Test (IST), but only the sniper and one rifleman have LOS.  The sniper takes out the squad leader and the rifleman forces the LMG to drop back. The rest of squad #3 carries on. Soviet active fire does no damage

PEF #2 (center) = Squad #1 (2x LMG & 7 rifles) plus platoon leader (rifle)

Finns win IST. Finns score two kills (LM gunner & a rifleman), which is enough to cause the Soviets to bug out (bad time to roll triple box cars).

PEF #3 (left) = squad #4 (1 LMG and 12 rifles) plus platoon sergeant (rifle)

Finns win IST. Finns knock LMG out of the fight and cause two others to drop back. The Soviets carry on. Soviet active fire drives our hero (squad leader) and a rifleman to drop back behind cover.

PEF #4 (behind building) = rumors

Turn #5:  Initiative 3/1 Finns

On the Finnish right, our here gathers his courage and rallies himself and his rifleman. The Finnish LMG and the other rifleman wound one and force another to drop back. The Soviets carry on.

On the Finnish left, the sniper forces the second LMG to drop back. The Soviets carry on.

Soviet phase: 3rd squad (Soviet Right). LMG fails to rally. Soviet riflemen kill one Finnish rifleman and force the SMG and group leader to drop back.

2nd squad (Soviet center) advance – their LMG is killed, but the rest carry on. They elect just to move forward, so as not to casue return fire.

4th squad (Soviet left): Assistant platoon leader rallies those that had dropped back. The remaining Soviets exchange fire with the Finns, causing the LMG and a rifleman to drop back.

Turn #6:  Initiative 5/4 Finns

Finns rally, but are out of LOS, so cannot shoot. Medic fails to improve on a wounded soldier.

Looks like I failed to take any notes on Soviet turn (If I even remembered to take the turn at all – LOL. I took a beak about this time.)

Turn #7:  Initiative 4/2 Finns

Finnish right flank: Finns active fire into squad #2, causing some casualties. The Soviets carry on. On the Finnish left, they retake their positions, win the IST and cause sone casualties and some troops to drop back. Some survivors carry on.

Soviet reinforcements – T26. Soviet groups advance, some back and forth shooting, very little damage. Three men from 4th squad (Soviet left) react to fire by making a dash for the cover of the barn ruins,


Turn #8:  Initiative 4/1 Finns

Finns continue to fire on advancing Soviets, causing several casualties. One small Soviet sub-group has had enough and leaves the battlefield. On the Finnish right, our fearless hero takes a hit. (And I totally forgot to see if star power saves him. Just as well, I have ordered a more heroic figure to be my leader in the future anyway - LOL)

Soviet turn. The T26 stays in place and fires its main gun at the bunker to its left, forcing all occupants (LMG team) to drop back. The Soviets continue their advance – very slowly. Squad #3 (Soviet right) has had enough and leaves the battlefield.

Soviet heavy machinegun group arrives in the center

Turn #9:  Initiative 3/1 Finns. The Stalin purges have done their magic, the Soviets can’t buy an initiative win.

Finns: The squad medic makes his way over to fearless leader, but still has a way to go. Finns spend the rest of the turn rallying,

Soviets: The T26 fires at bunker #2 (Finnish left), no casualties but all drop back. With no Finns in sight, the infantry is free to advance.

Turn #10:  Initiative 6/4 Finns

Finns are unable to perform any actions.

The Soviet 4th squad (left flank) is the first Russians to make it to the river. The tanks and the HMG team are also closing on the river.

Turn #11:  Initiative 5/1 Finns

Finns rally, but fall back deeper into the woods in the face of the tanks. A Finnish rifleman has carried our hero back to the medic.

Soviet 4th squad crosses the river. The T26 stops in the middle of the bridge (perhaps they spotted the mines).

Turn #12:  Initiative

The medic fails to improve our hero’s condition as the Finns melt deeper into the woods.

And now for the photos. Hopefully in the right order, but no guarantees - LOL

The main part of the battlefield. Finns are in the tree line ot left. The Soviets will enter in the tree line to the right

Three Soviet squads enter the battle

The view of the Finnish positions  from just forward of the Soviet point of entry.

A soviet squad advance in the open. The smarter ones regret their superiors didn't equip them with snow suits like the Finns.

4th squad approaches the ruins of teh burned out barn.

The situation around turn 6. So far the Finns are keeping the enemy at bay.

A finnish medic treating the wounded

A Soviet T26 has arrived, shifting balance towards the Reds.

Two members of 2nd squad almost make it to the river. Their triumph will be short lived.
 Members of 2nd squad have made it to the farnhouse. They will go no further.

The T26 approaches cautiously, backed up by the HMG squad

More bad news - a monstrous T28 has arrived. In the foreground the company political officer "encourages" some men who had previously dropped back.

4th squad makes it to the river. On the far left of the photo, the Finns can be seen retreating. At top, Soviet tanks begin to advance.


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