introducing my WInter War Finns

 28mm 3D pirnted Winter war Finns

Manufacturer = Just Some Miniatures (although not having a 3d printer myself, I bought them off Etsy)

Some of these guys just have loads of character.

I intend to use them for Nuts! by Two Hour Wargames

I have a winter themed mat, but was afraid they wouldn't show up very well, as my skills as a photographer are limited. 

This will be the main force. Not sure if I will use them as Jääkäri (Jagers) or standard infantry.

Mostly riflemen, but a couple have Suomi SMGs.

And here we have a Sissi Patrol. Like before, mostly riflemen aith a couple of SMG.

Sissi, a Finnish word usually translated (somewhat inacurately) as guerilla, is really more along the lines of US Rangers. That is ong distance patrols behind enemy lines by regular troops.

Here are som especialists. from left to right:
Two man LMG team, panzerfaust, antitank rifle, satchel charge, sniper, officer and an old Civil War vet

And now for the cool stuff, left to right"
A reindeer pack "horse"
Medic with patient on a Lapp sled
Maxim HMG firing from a Lapp-sled
And my favorite: Two guys using a giant slingshot to shoot Molotov Cocktails.

I originally thought that last guy was more fantasy than reality, until I found this photo:


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